As of Monday, June 8, 2020, parishes of the Archdiocese of Hartford can reopen for the public celebration of weekday Masses only, provided that no more than a total of fifty (50) socially distanced persons are present at a given Mass in keeping with the limitation currently set by the civil authorities, and provided that a parish is in compliance with the directives given to them by the Archdiocese. You may read the directives here.

As for Sunday Mass, the dispensation from the Sunday obligation previously granted to all Catholics of the archdiocese by the Archbishop has now been extended through Sunday, September 6, 2020. This will remain in effect even when the public celebration of Sunday Mass resumes, hopefully in the very near future.

Coordinated and thoughtful planning is imperative for a church to reopen; otherwise it should not do so. Father Jim must be able to ensure that the parish is prepared to meet the pandemic requirements for public worship. He will be asking very soon for a team of people to assist with the planning and preparation for public worship and the safe and orderly execution of the plan once worship begins, especially in the area of sanitation and disinfecting before and after each worship event.