Volunteers Needed for Weekend Masses

We need volunteers for each Mass to help everyone follow the necessary procedures for a safe public gathering and to make everyone feel welcome. Volunteers should not be in any at-risk category described under Who Should Still Remain Home.
We need parishioners to arrive a half hour before each Mass to greet people and to register them at the door. We will need ushers to guide people to their pew before Mass, to direct them during the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass, and help them to depart after Mass. We also need parishioners to stay after each Mass for thirty minutes to clean and disinfect the church and prepare it for the next Mass.
Coordinated and thoughtful planning is important and helpful. Please sign up for volunteering by emailing Mary at princeofpeace@aohct.org. Please let her know what you are interested in doing and at which Mass. With this communication, we will be able to inform everyone of what tasks we still may need and to coordinate with others. We need to get enough volunteers so no one will have to be obliged every week.
Father Jim must be able to ensure that the parish is prepared to meet the pandemic requirements for public worship. Thank you for all your help.