I guess the question most on my mind these Days is, “How can our children participate in Religious Education classes safely with the lowest possible risk for acquiring infection?” I have watched dozens of Webinars on Digital Catechesis from every publisher there is and attended almost as many Zoom meetings as well with my colleagues in Faith Formation, catechists and a few parents. Needless to say that Religious Education classes as they were here at Prince of Peace are a thing of the past!
A committee of catechists and parents along with myself and Father Jim are working on a new model of Religious Education. For now I can tell you that Religious Education will be through Zoom classes with a catechist assigned to each grade, and not held at the Middle School or Church Hall. When the time comes that we can assemble again in large groups we will do some Family Events as it is important to practice out faith in community. Sacrament Prep will be explained more at a further date.
Registration information will come home by August 1, 2020 via email, Prince of Peace website and Constant Contact and Registration for all classes will be done online.
We are in need of a few catechists for the Fall. Catechists will be given training on Zoom Classroom, Pflaum Weeklies(our catechetical program) as well as a workshop on creative ideas for the “classroom.” If you are interested in being a catechist from your own computer please call me at the office and leave a message or email me at I look forward to hearing from you!