Pastoral Ministries

Ministry to the Bereaved
Our parish Bereavement group reaches out to those who are experiencing the pain and loss of a loved one through death.  The group has different facets:

  • Bereavement support group; a nine-week program offered twice a year for those grieving the loss of a loved one. The group is run by a trained facilitator.
  • Bereavement letters: are mailed periodically during the first year offering our prayers and encouragement.

Commitment: Varies depending on circumstances.

Rewards: A sense of blessing in living out one of the corporal works of mercy—comforting the sorrowful.

Convalescent Ministry
A group of dedicated men and women who visit parishioners in local convalescent homes.  Their goal is to visit and bring prayers, love and support.  During the visit you may read aloud, play music, bring a letter, flowers or just have a general conversation.

Commitment: Once every eight weeks. 

Rewards: a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment knowing that you have visited and brightened someone’s day.  This ministry is one of caring and giving.

Hospital Visitors
A ministry of visiting the sick in area hospitals, praying for their needs and listening to their concerns.  As members of the same worshipping community, visitors demonstrate by their presence our support, care and concern.

Commitment:  Weekly, one to three hours. 

Rewards:  Living out the gospel message by visiting the sick.  Becoming more grateful for what we take for granted by giving our time, we are enriched greatly through this experience.

Parish Nurse/Health Ministry
Our mission is to serve God and our community by promoting optimal health and wellness with attention to body mind and spirit. We provide two Lunch & Learn programs per year, blood pressure screenings, first aid, and health information at our Parish picnic. We monitor our AEDS and provide training updates, and coordinate our Emergency Response Team. We coordinate a friendly visitor program and maintain our Care Note display. We are open to new ideas and adventures. We meet monthly on the 3rd Tuesday at 6:00 pm in Seidel Hall in March-June and September - December.

Commitment: Varies.

Rewards:  The satisfaction of being able to help members of our community by promoting wellness and to strengthen the church’s role in health and healing.

Friendly Visitors/Parishioners
Our Parish Nurse/Health Ministry sponsors the Friendly Visitors/Parishioners. Reaching out to those parishioners who might desire a friendly visitor for their loved one or themselves. The ministry offers companionship and or the opportunity for caregivers to take a break and refresh with an enjoyable activity for a few hours at a time. We might read aloud, chat over tea, go for a walk, play a game, write a letter, be a good listener and/or provide a much-deserved brake for caregivers.

Respect Life
The Respect Life Ministry is an answer to God’s call to affirm the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.

Commitment: Varies.

Rewards:  Gain a sense of solidarity with others who are committed to a culture that values all life.  Develop a greater appreciation for life and the heroic struggles others endure to preserve it.  Become actively involved with projects with local crisis pregnancy centers such as Carolyn’s Place.

Separated and Divorced
The process of separation and divorce is a painful ordeal and no one should have to take this journey alone. Our parish is offering an ecumenical support group to help persons grieving the loss of a marital relationship, to cope with this unexpected life transition and develop spiritual strength and practical skills. The workbook for recovery and healing, “Divorce and Beyond”, will be utilized and offered to each participant. The 10 session series are confidential.